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6 items found in 4 collections [showing 1 - 6]
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Neural Correlates of the Propensity for Retaliatory Behavior in Youths With Disruptive Behavior Disorders.
Neural Correlates of the Propensity for Retaliatory Behavior in Youths With Disruptive Behavior Disorders.
Sustained smoking abstinence is associated with reductions in smoking-specific experiential avoidance among treatment-seeking smokers.
Sustained smoking abstinence is associated with reductions in smoking-specific experiential avoidance among treatment-seeking smokers.
Personality traits and risk of cognitive impairment and dementia.
Personality traits and risk of cognitive impairment and dementia.
Weight discrimination and unhealthy eating-related behaviors.
Weight discrimination and unhealthy eating-related behaviors.
Augmenting antidepressant medication treatment of depressed women with emotionally focused therapy for couples
Augmenting antidepressant medication treatment of depressed women with emotionally focused therapy for couples
Association between Sleep Disturbances and Depression among Firefighters
Association between Sleep Disturbances and Depression among Firefighters