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5 items found in 5 collections [showing 1 - 5]
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Mining Twitter to Assess the Public Perception of the "Internet of Things".
Mining Twitter to Assess the Public Perception of the "Internet of Things".
GABAergic mechanisms contributing to categorical amygdala responses to chemosensory signals.
GABAergic mechanisms contributing to categorical amygdala responses to chemosensory signals.
Positively biased self-perceptions of peer acceptance and subtypes of aggression in children.
Positively biased self-perceptions of peer acceptance and subtypes of aggression in children.
Caregiver perceptions of childhood weight
Caregiver perceptions of childhood weight
"Do unto others"? Distinct psychopathy facets predict reduced perception and tolerance of pain.
"Do unto others"? Distinct psychopathy facets predict reduced perception and tolerance of pain.